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Aswagandha The Indian Ginseng: A therapeutically Safer & commercially viable more potent medicine than famous Chinese drug Ginseng : An evidence based market review

Aswagandha is a very potent ayurvedic medicine. It has been widely used by the ayurvedic ancestors in single or in a compound formulation also. Gingseng is a very popular herb. It is having immunomodulatory, aphrodisiac like effect which are very similar to the actions of Aswagandha. Researchers found that in comparison with different actions Aswagandha is superior to Gingseng. But due to gingseng’s popularity and commercial branding it became more expensive than aswagandha. Whereas aswagandha is more abundantly available drug in Indian market and even more safe in comparison to Gingseng.

The Best Century Old Tips: Yoga and Diet for physical and mental wellness

Dieting in modern day becomes a fashion; but now it is necessary to take it as a passion for not only architect a sound physic but also to be a faculty of healthy mind. The word dieting is self-explanatory as taking reduced meal that anyone desired, but it is misinterpreted; where the real meaning is to suggest anyone a homeostatic food chart to impart a sound health within him